Github C Projects For Beginners Courses

Git Mindset: Underlying Architecture of Git in Simple Terms

Gain a deep intuition of the Git version control system, simplified through story telling

Rating: 4.96154

Web Applications from Scratch with Streamlit

Build and Deploy your Web Apps from Scratch with the incredible Streamlit! Seat with me and start CODING TOGETHER!

Rating: 4.95

Learn InertiaJs using Laravel and Vue

Build SPA using InertiaJs with the help of Breeze and TailwindCss

Rating: 4.9

Part A - Network Protocol Development in C ( from scratch )

Network Coding Project for Network Core Developers, Linux, System Programming, Operating systems, Projects in C/C++

Rating: 4.85

ROS2 Self Driving Car with Deep Learning and Computer Vision

Autonomous Car using TensorFlow and Neural Networks for Beginners

Rating: 4.85

Node with React: Build & Deploy a Fullstack Web Application

Build & deploy a social network app using React, Typescript, MongoDB, Redis, Queues, AWS, Terraform, CircleCI & more.

Rating: 4.83696

MERN Stack : Hotel Booking App with React ,Node ,Mongo 2021

Learn how to build complex applications without state management tool REDUX

Rating: 4.8

Azure DevOps - Code Versioning with TFVC

Learn the basics of Azure Devops

Rating: 4.8

Spring Framework DevOps on AWS

Deploy Spring Boot Applications to the Cloud on AWS

Rating: 4.8

Become a Certified Python Programmer: PCEP Practice Tests

Pass the Python Certification Exam today! Six complete tests covering the full syllabus with thorough explanations!

Rating: 4.8

Assembly Language Adventures: Complete Course

Learn the language of your computer

Rating: 4.76923

Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow

Learn Git, GitHub, Node.js, NPM, Object-oriented JavaScript, ES6, webpack, Netlify, BEM and Job Interview Tips

Rating: 4.76852

Get Git Smart Course: Learn Git in Unity, SourceTree, GitHub

Use Version Control w/GIT, SourceTree & GitHub from Scratch in Unity Video Game Design (3.8 hours)

Rating: 4.76136

Beat the Codility Coding Interview in Python

Learn and practice how to solve many coding puzzles from Codility using Python.

Rating: 4.75926

TODO-List App | iOS 15, SwiftUI, Firebase, MVVM, Git, GitHub

Build a TODO-List iOS App with SwiftUI, Firebase Firestore, Swift 5, Git & GitHub (Step up your career on iOS Dev)

Rating: 4.75806

Docker & Kubernetes: The Complete Practical Guide

Complete Docker and Kubernetes Course - learn all core Docker features including Dockerfiles and Docker Compose

Rating: 4.75342

AZ-400 Mock Tests - Updated May 2022

These mock tests will help you in preparation for the Az-400 exam. All the latest questions are covered in the tests.

Rating: 4.75

Git and GitHub for Developers

Learn Git using real-world software project as an example

Rating: 4.75

Get a Job As a Web Developer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tips, tricks and industry secrets to help you land that web development job! A step-by-step guide to getting hired.

Rating: 4.75

Part 1E Tunnelling and Service Provider Switching

Tunnelling and SP Switching

Rating: 4.75

75 Linux commands you ever need to work in Linux environment

the only linux commands you need to manage 95% of the linux work

Rating: 4.75

Git & GitHub - The Complete Git & GitHub Course

Git & GitHub - The complete step-by-step guide from scratch

Rating: 4.7381

Android Developer Interview Preparation Guide

Ace the Android Developer Coding Interview, Android System Design Interview & the Behavioral Interview [Mock Interviews]

Rating: 4.72727

OpenStack Installation and Deployment

Getting OpenStack Up and Running (Community Version)

Rating: 4.71429

Django 4 Masterclass 2022: From Development To Deployment

Learn Django from scratch, build & deploy Django apps with advanced features like authentication & payment integration.

Rating: 4.7069

Redis: The Complete Developer's Guide

Master Redis v7.0 with hands-on exercises. Includes Modules, Scripting, Concurrency, and Streams!

Rating: 4.70603

QGIS plugin development with Python

Extend the functionality of QGIS with your own custom plugins

Rating: 4.70588

SAP HANA 2.0 Modelling Masterclass |Hands On Training

XSA | Calc View | Join |Union | Hierarchy | SDI| Functions | Rank | Optimization | Security | Auth|Graph|Spatial| GitHub

Rating: 4.70588

Git and GitHub MasterClass : Git Workflow, Commands & GitHub

From novice to expert in Git and GitHub using step-by-step, no-assumptions learning. Rebase, Statshing, Tagging & More..

Rating: 4.7

Collaboration and Crawling W/ Golang - Google's Go Language

Mastering Go Modules, gRPC, Crawling, and Collaboration with Git

Rating: 4.7

Kubernetes for developers

Learn how to deploy, manage and scale dockerized apps in Kubernetes

Rating: 4.7

Build Your own Self Driving Car | Deep Learning, OpenCV, C++

Learn Raspberry Pi, Arduino UNO, Image Processing and Neural Networks (Machine Learning) for any Embedded IOT Project

Rating: 4.7

Automate Everything with Python

Learn to build APIs, automate emails, web scraping, chatbots, RegEx, NLP, SQL, GUIs, schedule tasks, and more in Python!

Rating: 4.69883

Azure Basics in less than 3 hrs - Masterclass for Business

Learn the fundamental of Azure without any prior knowledge of Azure or any cloud platform relevant for AZ-900

Rating: 4.6875

ARCore and Sceneform Masterclass for Android

Learn How to Make Powerful Augmented Reality Apps in Kotlin to Keep up With the Rapidly Changing Tech World.

Rating: 4.68182

Learn Selenium with Python, PyTest + Live Project

Selenium WebDriver using Python & PyTest framework

Rating: 4.68

Git for Windows: Step-By-Step Mastery using Commands and GUI

Start from nothing and master the foundation of Git source control, GitHub service, graphical clients and related tools

Rating: 4.67391

Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced

Create an advanced REST API with Python, Django REST Framework and Docker using Test Driven Development (TDD)

Rating: 4.66981

Learn API Testing using Postman, SoapUI & RestAssured

Postman, SoapUI & RestAssured

Rating: 4.66912

The Complete Cypress 11+ Course: From Zero to Expert!

Write Automated UI & API test scripts using JavaScript or TypeScript(E2E Testing Type).

Rating: 4.66379

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