React Development Bootcamp: Build 45 Projects in 45 days

React Development Bootcamp: Build 45 Projects in 45 days

Being a part of the JavaScript language, using React spawns lots of advantages. Products built with React are simple to scale, a single language used on the server/client/mobile side of things grants outstanding productivity, there are workflow patterns for convenient teamwork, UI code is readable and maintainable, and more. World-leading companies have used React and other JS technologies in some of the top market-defining products out there (Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook being the most vivid examples).

In This Course, We Are Going To Work On 45 Real World React Development Projects Listed Below:

Project-1 : E-Commerce (Amazon Clone) - React, React-Context-Api, Firebase

Project-2 : Chat Application - React, React Chat engine, Socket, Rest Apis

Project-3 : Movies Application (Ott) - React, Omdb Api, React Hooks, Bootstrap

Project-4 : Video Sharing Website - React, Youtube Api, Material-Ui, Axios

Project-5 : Todolist Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management

Project-6 : Blog Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, Gnews Api

Project-7 : Social Networking Website - Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, Google Oauth, Security And Authentication

Project-8 : Resume Website (Portfolio) - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management--

Project-9 : An Emoji Search Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3

Project-10 : A Breaking Bad Character Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss, React Context

Project-11 : A Random Quote Generator Application Made With React And Deployed On Heroku

Project-12 : A Password Generator Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css

Project-13 : A Quiz App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss

Project-14 : UnSplash Image Gallery Application made with React -ReactDOM, React Hooks

Project-15 : A React Router Demo Application made with ReactJs -React Js , NPM , CSS , React Router Dom , Context , React Hooks

Project-16 : A Book Shelf Application made with React- React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management

Project-17 : A Note Taking Application Made with React and Redux-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , Redux , React-Redux , CRA

Project-18 : A React Contact Register Application-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks

Project-19 : A Spend Money App made with React-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks

Project-20 : A Resort Booking Application made with React-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , Hooks , CRA

Project-21 : A Body Mass Index Calculator made with React-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks , Context

Project-22 : A Furniture Store made with React and Redux-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks

Project-23 : A Scoreboard Application made with ReactJS-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks

Project-24 : Meta Tag Generator Application made with React-React Js , NPM , CSS , State Management , React Context , Hooks

Project-25 : Food Ordering Web Application - ReactJs, Material-Ui, React Router, Css

Project-26 : Weather Web Application Using Api - ReactJs, Open Weather Api, Css

Project-27 : Food Recipe Application - ReactJs, Edamam Api, Firebase For Hosting, Css

Project-28 : My Cart Application - ReactJs, React-Hooks, External Api, Css

Project-29 : Cafe Menu Application - ReactJs, React-Hooks , Firebase, Css

Project-30 : Cocktail Hub Web Application - ReactJs, React-Hooks, External Api, Context Api, Css

Project-31 : Review Posting Application - ReactJs, Material-Ui, Css, Nanoid

Project-32 : Pomodoro Application - ReactJs, React Countdown Timer Npm Package, Css

Project-33 : Google Search Application Using Api - ReactJs, Tailwind Css, Google Search Api, React Router Dom, React Player--

Project-34 : Tic-Tac-Toe game with React js

Project-35 : Word and letter counter apllication using react js, including useState hooks and pure javascript.

Project-36 : Currency converter using React js

Project-37 : Speech Recogitio, Voice assistant app using react js

Project-38 : How to build a Calculator using react js, with hooks

Project-39 : Build a budget app using react js, hooks, custom hooks, react-contex concept

Project-40 : Music Player using react js (Spotify clone) using react js with proper user interface using official spotify api

Project-41 : Calender Application with scheduling events functionality

Project-42 : Dictionary App using react js

Project-43 : Youtube Clone using react js

Project-44 : Canndy Crush game usinng react js

Project-45 : Astronomy stuff of the day Using ReactJs CSS , react hooks, APOD API of NASA

Project-46 : Rock paper Scissors using Reactjs , CSS, React hooks

Project-47 : Realtime Notification app Using ReactJs , CSS, React hooks , Socket

Project-48 : Covid-19 tracker Application Using ReactJs , CSS , React hooks

Project-49 : Random gif generator app using ReactJs , React Hooks , CSS , API , asynchronous javascript

Project-50 : Wildfire tracker App USing Reactjs, CSS, asynchronous js, NASA open API

Note (Read This): This Course Is Worth Of Your Time And Money, Enroll Now Before Offer Expires.

Learn React Programming: Develop Web Applications Using Socket, REST APIs, Firebase, React Hooks, Bootstrap, React.js

Url: View Details

What you will learn
  • Learn and understand what is React and how it works
  • Basic to advanced level practical concepts in React development
  • See the step-by-step process of designing and assembling an advanced project

Rating: 4.65741

Level: All Levels

Duration: 66.5 hours

Instructor: Sufa Digital

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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