The Ultimate Mastering Megacourse for Logos Bible Software

The Ultimate Mastering Megacourse for Logos Bible Software

More than five times the video training content of any related courses.

This 46+ hours training course will take you through every feature of Logos Bible Software for Bible Study. It's for every type of user: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. There are tips, tricks, and practical helps you won't find in our training programs. Plus, we will teach your how to study the Bible, provide free downloads to help organize your studies.

Who is John Fallahee, your trainer?

John has nearly 25 years of Logos Bible Software experience. He has founded LearnLogos back in 2009 and has trained thousands of individuals, students, professors, and preachers in over 60 countries.  John understands Inductive Bible study as a Precept trained leader, but also understands exegesis/hermeneutics being a graduate of the Master's Seminary with an Masters of Divinity. John has almost completed his PhD dissertation from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on Sermon Preparation with Logos Bible Software.

Training Topics (Get ready for a long list of topics!)

NEW FEATURES (2 Hours, 22 minutes)


1 The New Interface: Dark Mode and More (15:30)

2 The New Counseling Guide (9:40)

3 Adding Images to Notes (5:32)

4 Passage Guide Improvements (5:50)

5 Bible Books Explorer (13:33)

6 Charts & Graphs (10:58)

7 New Factbook, Part 1 (1:53)

8 New Factbook, Part 2 (16:08)

9 Reading Plans: PC/MAC and Mobile Device (7:32)

10 Verse Scanner for Logos Mobile (2:47)

11 Shortcut Toolbar Folder (5:09)

12 Documents Details & Sharing (8:08)

13 Sermon Document (23:26)

14 Sermon Manager (11:24)

15 Main Menu: Factbook (:50)

16 Main Menu: Command Box (4:16)

INTERLINEAR BIBLES (2 Hours, 9 Minutes)

17 Interlinear Bible, Part 1 (34:56)

18 Interlinear Bible, Part 2 (12:06)

19 Interlinear Bible, Part 3 (18:01)

20 Interlinear Bible, Part 4 (17:18)

21 Interlinear Bible, Part 5 (19:00)

22 Bible Reference Box (5:17)

23 Inline Searching (12:37)

24 Book Navigation Tools (9:48)

THE MAIN MENU (42 Minutes)

25 Home (5:06)

26 Library, Part 1: Overview (29:55)

27 Library, Part 2: Prioritize Resources (7:02)

SEARCHING (1 Hour, 39 Minutes)

28 Bible Searching (20:43)

29 Basic Searching (15:09)

30 Media Searching (12:34)

31 Clause Searching (7:39)

32 Morph Search (21:38)

33 Syntax Searching (22:00)


34 Command Box Overview (15:15)

DOCS (USER DOCUMENTS) (3 Hours, 21 Minutes)

35 Docs Interface Overview (9:02)

36 Yours, Group, Public (5:56)

37 Document Types Overview OVERVIEW (3:59)

38 Bibliography (12:36)

39 Canvas (21:34)

40 Clippings (09:27)

41 Morph Query (14:02)

42 Passage List (23:39)

43 Prayer List (8:07)

44 Reading Plan (13:54)

45 Sentence Diagram (18:51)

46 Sermon:See video #13 for the primary training, this video is for updates (3:40)

47 Syntax Search (21:48)

48 Visual Filter (15:29)

49 Word Find Puzzle (4:26)

50 Word List (7:36)

51 Organizing Your Documents (6:48)

GUIDES (3 Hours, 23 Minutes)

52 Guides Interface Overview and Menu (5:03)

53 Differences Between a Guide and Workflow (4:17)

54 Finding Free Guides & Workflows (4:26)

55 Started Workflows and More (7:41)

56 Basic Bible Study (4:58)

57 Biblical Person Study (6:07)

58 Biblical Place Study (3:49)

59 Biblical Theme Study (4:48)

60 Biblical Topic Study (3:38)

61 Devotional (2:27)

62 English Word Study (4:04)

63 Expository Sermon Preparation (13:22)

64 Inductive Bible Study (7:56)

65 John Piper's Ask Questions Method (3:46)

66 Lectio Divina (3:51)

67 Michael Heiser's Bible Research Method (5:17)

68 Passage Exegesis (5:26)

69 Praying Scripture (3:36)

70 Precept Chapter Study (4:07)

71 Ralph West's Weaving the Textual Web (10:22)

72 Theological Topic Study (4:44)

73 Topical Sermon Preparation (6:52)

74 Word Study - Original Language (5:56)

75 Custom Workflows (0:32)

76 Exegetical Guide (9:12)

77 Passage Guide (15:47)

78 Sermon Starter Guide (4:13)

79 Theology Guide (4:45)

80 Topic Guide (3:13)

81 Bible Word Study (9:46)

82 Counseling Guide - Updated (3:20)

83 Custom Guides (0:27)

84 Bible Reference Guides (1:52)

85 Topic Guides (0:57)

86 Word Guides (1:13)

87 Sermon Theme Guides (1:31)

88 Theology Guides (1:01)

89 Counseling Guides (1:04)

90 Completed Workflows (1:18)

91 Make a New Guide (4:59)

92 Make a New Workflow (9:46)

TOOLS (7 Hours)

93 Tools Interface Overview and Menu (2:19)


94 Canvas (17:11)

95 Charts & Graphs, Part 2 - Update (3:35) - See Video #6 for Part 1

96 Guide Editor (0:47) - See Video 91

97 Highlighting (26:45)

98 Media (15:22)

99 Notes (22:19)

100 Self Tests (2:28)

101 Sentence Diagram (14:23)

102 Sermon Builder / Sermon Document - Update Only - See Video 13 (8:00)

103 Sermon Manager - Update Only - See Video 14 (5:39)

104 Wikipedia in the Menu (1:50)


105 Copy Bible Verses (12:57)

106 Explorer (4:31)

107 Passage Analysis (10:03)

108 Text Comparison (8:00)


109 Atlas (6:15)

110 Bible Browser (6:35)

111 Bible Sense Lexicon (7:47)

112 Concordance (7:38)

113 Courses (6:40)

114 Factbook: Update - See Videos 7 & 8 (5:09)

115 Reading Lists (4:46)

116 Timeline (6:47)


117 Cited By (4:20)

118 Information (8:59)

119 Power Lookup (7:09)

120 Pronunciation (4:40)

121 Search - See Videos #28-33, 47


122 Collections (22:59)

123 Favorites (8:51)

124 History (3:28)


125 Community Notes (6:27)


126 Faithlife Assistant (2:17)

127 Personal Books (8:11)

128 Program Settings (7:43)

Interactive Media

129 Ancient Inscriptions (2:35)

130 Before and After: Biblical Sites (2:00)

131 Bible Books Explorer (11:55)

132 Bible Outline Browser (4:58)

133 Bible People Visual Timelines (1:32)

134 Biblical Event Navigator (4:58)

135 Canon Comparison (3:30)

136 Commandments of the Law (3:11)

137 Counting the Ten Commandments (2:40)

138 Days of Creation (0:57)

139 An Empty Tomb (1:17)

140 Exploring Biblical Manuscripts (1:53)

141 Greek Alphabet Tutor (2:19)

142 Hebrew Alphabet Tutor (1:26)

143 Hebrew Bible Manuscript Explorer (2:11)

144 Hebrew Cantillations (4:11)

145 Interactive Infographics from the Faithlife Study Bible (1:19)

146 Interlinear Explorer (2:21)

147 Israelite Feasts and Sacrifices (4:49)

148 Listen and Learn: Greek (2:01)

149 Miracles of the Bible (4:22)

150 Morphology Charts (4:34)

151 Names of God (3:41)

152 Narrative Character Maps (3:43)

153 New Testament Manuscript Explorer (2:51)

154 New Testament Use of the Old Testament (4:11)

155 Numeric Converter (3:20)

156 Parallel Gospel Reader (4:41)

157 Proverbs Explorer (3:26)

158 Psalms Explorer (5:28)

159 Reverse Interlinear Explorer (4:28)

160 Septuagint Manuscript Explorer (3:01)

161 Speaking to God (3:31)

162 Synopsis of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles (3:46)

163 Systematic Theologies (2:20)

164 Text Converter (2:20)

165 Weights & Measures Converter (3:30)

166 Who Killed Goliath (1:28)


167 Manuals, Dataset Documentation & Glossaries (6:51)

168 Bible Harmony (6:38)

169 Understanding the 66 Book Types (27:06)

170 Getting Free Books (5:15)


171 How to find a proverb related to a subject or passage (7:06)

172 Searching 'Search Fields' (10:55)

173 3 Methods for finding all the questions in the Bible and organizing them in a passage list. (11:23)

174 Get a Passage List with the Mobile Reference Scanner (3:45)

175 Triple Language Search (10:52)

176 Searching for Repeating Words and Ideas (16:52)

177 Image Searching (7:35)

178 Louw-Nida: 5ws & H + More (11:04)

179 Searching for Prophecies related to Christ (17:41)

180 Searching for Battles in the Bible (9:41)

181 Three Essential "Shortcuts" Strategies (10:53)

182 Searching for sounds for alliterating and rhyming (7:13)

183 Find the meaning of Biblical names (7:41)

184 Extracting Bible Passages (4:00)

185 Finding Applications within Your Devotional Resources (6:35)

186 How to Leverage the Passage List for Better Searching (14:04)

187 Find Cross-References for a Topic (10:21)

188 Hebrew to Greek Word Studies (7:43)

189 How to find synonyms and antonyms (10:01)

190 Root Word Searching (7:09)

191 Leveraging Custom Guides (8:08)

192 Finding Maps related to the passage you are studying (10:22)

193 Searching Figures of Speech (6:50)

194 How to Search Lists in Logos Bible Software (12:05)

195 Studying NT Greek Words in the OT (12:24)

196 Searching Vesified and Non-Versified Resources (6:26)

197 How to Semantic/Domain/Sense Search (9:57)

198 Determine the Range of Meaning with Louw-Nida Easily (6:25)

199 Finding Great Quotes by Authors (10:34)

200 Get Extra Help: Public Documents Feature (8:50)

201 How to Customize Your Book Information (15:46)

202 Advanced Media Searches (10:41)

203 Textual Variants Made Easier (11:54)

204 Optimizing Your Bible for Viewing and Studying (9:00)

205 Adding Images to Notes (8:31)

206 Shortcut Toolbar Folders (4:27)

207 Search and Organize Your Commentaries (4:48)

208 Counseling Yourself with the Word and Counseling Guide (8:27)

209 Get More Info Quickly on a Passage with the Cited By Feature (12:41)

210 Tag Multiple Books at Once (7:56)

211 Search for Hymns Related to the Passage Your Studying (6:31)

212 Get More From Favorites and Bookmarks Feature (5:34)

213 Undeleting/Recovering Deleted Documents (4:58)

214 Format Your Bible For Easy Reading (9:49)

215 Better Searching with Datatypes (7:05)

216 Customize Your Bible Verse when Pasting Using the Copy Bible Verse Tool (11:35)

217 Explore How You Can study Parallel Passages in the Gospels (14:09)

218 Explore Three Ways to Compare Your Favorite Bible Translations (8:52)

219 Get More Out of the Propositional Outlines in Your Bible (8:04)

220 Learn How to Label With the Highlighting Toolbar (16:32)

221 How to Compare two Different Biblical Texts at the Word Level with the Word lists Tool (6:24)

222 How to Select Hebrew/Greek Words and Phrases Easily with Your English Bible (14:41)

223 How to Find Parallel Passages in other Books of the Bible (6:09)

224 Use The Clause Search for Improved Searching (10:49)

225 Leverage the Explorer and Lookup Tool for Better Bible Study (9:48)

226 How to Research and Collaborate with Clippings (17:47)

227 Discover Essential Books for Bible Study (19:46)

228 How to Effectively Study a Topic (12:15)

229 Removing Some of the Mystery of Morphology (15:53)

230 Searching for Biblical Plagues to Understand God's Judgments (14:48)

231 How to Searching for Phrases in the in Original Language (14:20)

232 How to Search for Biblical Events (8:10)

233 How to Search for Theophany/Christophany (10:02)

234 How to Create Your Own Custom Book Series (7:09)

235 How to Search on God's Name and When He Speaks (8:05)

236 How to Search On "Indexed Locations" (8:00)

237 Advanced: Building Your First Syntax Search (14:25)

238 Optimizing Logos Bible Software for Your Studies (15:04)

239 Get More out of Your Dataset Documentation(9:29)

240 Take Advantage of Search Templates Help (14:57)

241 Optimize Your Home Page Screen (10:42)

242 Learn to Use the History Tool More Effectively (6:01)

243 Make Better Use of the Bible Sense Lexicon (14:45)

244 Let's Talk - Leverage Logos' Audio Tools (7:30)

245 Use "Book Types" for Better Searching (8:17)

246 Find Media In Logos More Easily (10:37)

247 Better Searching with Boolean (12:12)

248 Learn to Search with the Your Interlinear Bible (16:42)

249 Three Tips in One: Drag and Drop Menus, Searching Helps, and Sharing Documents (15:56)

250 Study More Indepth with Louw-Nida and the Topic Guide (20:26)

251 Using Visual Filters for Bible Word Studies (11:27)

252 How to Use Labels for Tag Biblical Arguments (11:27)

253 Organize Your Books By Publication Date (13:01)

254 Leverage the Information Tool for Bible Study (6:43)

255 Four Key Questions to Guide Your Searching (11:51)

256 Advanced: Searching NT Words in OT Quotes (8:42)

257 How to Choose Between Custom Guide and Custom Workflows (9:47)

258 Using the Concordance Tool to Find Bible Cross References (17:35)

259 Helps for Working with the Gospels (8:54)

260 Linking Your Highlights to a Notebook (8:15)

261 Work Smarter with Custom Collections and Custom Guides (18:20)

262 Exploring the Right Click Menu (25:20)

263 Using the "Commandments of Law" Tool for Bible Study (8:40)

264 Archive #63: Search Surprise in the BDAG Lexicon (2:46)

265 Archive #97: How to Find a Proverb Related to Your Passage (2:26)


466 Download and Create Devotional Bible Study Work Flow (6:26)

467 Create A Devotional Layout (16:41)

468 Inductive Bible Study Workflow (2:51)

469 CLEAR Sermon Method (5:11)


470 Prayer: Getting Started (5:17)

471 Download and Search a Collection of Resources for Prayer (3:54)

472 Create a Custom Layout for Praying (9:15)

473 Finding Prayers in the Bible (6:03)

474 Archive: The R.E.F.L.E.C.T. Method of Prayer (4:52)

475 Get the book: REFLECT the Glory God in Prayer (1:07)

476 Using Logos for Praying and Bible Study: Prayer & Notes Tool (5:36)

Reading Devotionally

477 Using the Reading Plan for Bible Study (2:41)

478 Reading Strategies for Bible Study Preparation (2:55)


479 Using the Passage List for Memorizing (1:37)

01-OBSERVING (25 Minutes)

480 Archive: Getting Started: Two Basic Observation Strategies (5:59)

481 Download a Collection of Resources for Observing the Bible (1:59)

482 Create a Custom Layout for Observing (4:27)

483 Managing Your Observations with Highlights & Notebooks (5:16)

484 Leveraging Louw-Nida for Observing (7:51)

02-OUTLINING (1 Hour, 21 Minutes)

485 Archive: Getting Started with Outlining (4:26)

486 Download a Collection of Resources for Outlining (3:46)

487 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Outlining (6:10)

488 Five Ways to Outline a Passage (5:40)

489 How to Build an Outline with Clause Visualizations (12:07)

490 Archive: OT - Andersen-Forbes Phrase Marker Analysis (12:36)

491 Archive: OT - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: WIVU Constituency Trees (6:02)

492 Archive: NT - Cascadia (7:30)

493 Archive: NT - The Lexham Syntactic Greek NT: Sentence Analysis (4:57)

494 Archive: NT - OpenText to Create a Biblical Outline (13:24) **This is Best One To Watch

495 Using the Propositional Outlines to Guide your Outline (4:42)

03-WORD STUDIES (1 Hour, 30 Minutes)

496 Archive: Getting Started with Word Studies (4:39)

497 Download a Collection of Resources for Word Studies (3:58)

498 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Word Studies (10:24)

499 Archive: Understanding Basic Hebrew Morphology (3:18)

500 Archive: Understanding Basic Greek Morphology (4:03)

501 Archive: Circles of Context (5:28)

502 Word Study Basics: Right Click Lookup & Concordance Searching (5:50)

503 Word Study Basics: Using the Bible Word Study Guide (12:45)

504 Word Study Basics: Adding the Exegetical Guide (Optional) (1:46)

505 Word Study Basics: Peeking at Perseus (2:31)

506 Word Study Intermediate: Using the Concordance (10:25)

507 Word Study Intermediate: Phrase Searching (6:13)

508 Word Study Advance: Searching Lexicons, Commentaries, and All Resources (7:47)

509 Word Study Advance: Searching the LXX (9:13)

510 Word Study Scholar: Using Textual Commentaries and Apparatuses (8:25)

04-GRAMMAR STUDIES (32 Minutes)

511 Archive: Getting Started with Grammar Studies (2:03)

512 Download a Collection of Resources on Grammar (1:12)

513 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Grammar Studies (9:30)

514 Searching for Grammatical Insights for your Bible Study (10:32)

515 Archive: Understanding Basic Hebrew Grammar, Syntax, Discourse (3:27)

516 Archive: Understanding Basic Greek Grammar, Syntax, Discourse (5:11)

05-CROSS-REFERENCING (26 minutes)

517 Archive: Getting Started with Cross-Referencing (1:24)

518 Download a Collection of Resources on Cross-Referencing (1:54)

519 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Cross-Referencing (7:01)

520 Archive: Understanding Principles for Cross Referencing (2:30)

521 Searching for the Best Cross-References for your Bible Study (13:06)


522 Archive: Getting Started with the Historical Background (1:01)

523 Archive: Studying the Essentials for Researching the Historical Background (3:14)

524 Download a Collection of Resources on Historical Background (0:52)

525 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Historical Background (9:24)

526 Searching for the Best Historical Background Information for your Bible Study (5:14)


527 Archive: Getting Started with the Theological Background (1:59)

528 Archive: Studying the Essentials for Researching Theological Background (1:24)

529 Download a Collection of Resources on Theological Background (1:10)

530 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Theological Background (15:56)

531 Download Theological Highlights for Studying the Theological Background (6:05)

532 Searching for the Theological Background Information for your Bible Study


533 Archive: Getting Started with Cross-Checking - Commentary (1:12)

534 Archive: The Essentials of a Commentary (3:11)

535 Archive: What to do when Commentaries Contradict (3:10)

536 Download the Pro-Con Template (4:14)

537 Download a Collection of Commentary Resources (5:35)

538 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Cross-Checking (4:59)

539 Searching for Critical Information in Commentaries for Cross-Checking (4:35)

09-ILLUSTRATIONS (24 Minutes)

540 Archive: Getting Started with Illustrations (1:45)

541 Archive: The Essentials of an Illustrations (3:38)

542 Download a Collection of Illustrations (0:59)

543 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Illustrations (6:59)

544 Searching for Illustrations for your Bible Study (11:13)

10-APPLICATIONS (21 Minutes)

545 Archive: Getting Started with Applications (0:46)

546 Archive: Incarnating the Word in Your Life (3:47)

547 Archive: Learn How to Identify a Principle for Application from your Text (4:34)

548 Download a Collection of Applications (3:37)

549 Download and Modify a Custom Guide and Layout for Applications (4:39)

550 Searching for Applications for your Bible Study (4:17)

SERMON TIPS (19 Minutes)

551 Archive: Overviewing the Various Sermon Formats (6:48)

552 Archive: Creating a proposition or Purpose Statement for Your Message (4:46)

553 Archive: The Importance of Transitions (5:10)

554 Archive: The Importance of Reviewing Your Preaching Outline (2:36)

BIBLE STUDY WITH YOUR MOBILE APP (iPad and Web) (21 Minutes)

555 Jet Tour through the Mobile App (8:21)

556 Jet Tour through the Web Based App (12:40)



266 How to Study the Bible

267 Understanding and Applying the Bible

268 A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible

269 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, 3rd ed.

270 From Exegesis to Exposition: A Practical Guide to Using Biblical Hebrew

271 Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching

272 Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach

273 Basic Bible Interpretation

274 Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors

275 New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors



276 Reflect the Glory of God in Prayer

277 Handbook to Prayer

278 Alone with God

279 An Exposition on Prayer

280 A Hunger for God

281 Every Prayer of the Bible

282 A Year of Prayer

283 A Theology of Prayer

284 Praying in Public: A Guidebook for Prayer in Corporate Worship

285 Release the Power of Prayer


286 Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days

287 A Complete Handbook of Literary Forms in the Bible

288 Words of Delight: A Literary Introduction to the Bible, 2nd ed.

289 Literary Introductions to the Books of the Bible

290 Cracking Old Testament Codes: A Guide to Interpreting Literary Genres of the OT

291 The Typology of Scripture

292 Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative

293 How Bible Stories Work

294 Interpreting Hebrew Poetry

295 Figures of Speech Used in the Bible


296 The Literary Structure of the Old Testament: A Commentary on Genesis–Malachi

297 The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible

298 Roy Gingrich’s Commentaries in Outline Form

299 The Outline Bible

300 Visual Outline Charts of the New Testament

301 OpenText Syntactically Analyzed Greek New Testament: Clause Analysis

302 Andersen-Forbes Phrase Marker Analysis

303 Lexham Discourse Hebrew Old Testament Datasets

304 Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament Datasets

305 Analytical Bible Expositor

Word Study

306 A Dictionary of Biblical Languages w/ Semantic Domains: Hebrew (OT)

307 Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament | TLOT (3 vols.)

308 Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT)

309 New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis | NIDOTTE (5 vols.)

310 Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament | HALOT (5 vols.)

311 A Dictionary of Biblical Languages w/ Semantic Domains: Greek (NT)

312 Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains

313 Theological Lexicon of the New Testament | TLNT (3 vols.)

314 New International Dictionary of NT Theology & Exegesis, 2ed | NIDNTTE (5 vols.)

315 A Greek–English Lexicon of the NT & Other Early Christian Literature, 3ed. (BDAG)


316 English Grammar to Ace Biblical Hebrew

317 English Grammar to Ace New Testament Greek

318 Grammatical Concepts 101 for Biblical Hebrew

319 Grammatical Concepts 101 for Biblical Greek

320 The Biblical Hebrew Companion for Bible Software Users

321 The Biblical Greek Companion for Bible Software Users

322 A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar, 2nd ed.

323 An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax

324 The Basics of New Testament Syntax: An Intermediate Greek Grammar

325 A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research


326 The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

327 The Topical Analysis of the Bible

328 The Thematic Bible: Passage Register

329 The Thematic Bible: Topical Analysis

330 Dictionary of Bible Themes

331 The New Thematic Concordance

332 Quick Scripture Reference For Counseling (4 Volumes)

333 The New Topical Textbook

334 What Does the Bible Say About (6 Volumes)

335 Willmington's Books of Bible Lists

Historical Background

336 IVP Background OT & NT (2 Volumes)

337 Zondervan Illustrated Bible Background (5 volumes)

338 The A to Z Guide to Bible Signs and Symbols

339 All the People in the Bible: A–Z Guide of Saints, Scoundrels, & Other Characters

340 The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary: New Testament (3 vols.)

341 The Baker Illustrated Bible Background Commentary

342 New Testament Background Commentary

343 NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

344 Dictionary of New Testament Background

345 Old Testament Survey: The Message, Form, and Background of the Old Testament


346 New Bible Atlas

347 Crossway ESV Bible Atlas

348 The New Moody Atlas of the Bible

349 The Carta Bible Atlas, 5th Edition

350 Holman Bible Atlas

351 Zondervan Atlas of the Bible

352 CSB Study Bibles (Notes only)

353 Carta's New Century Handbook and Atlas of the Bible

354 Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary

355 Tyndale Handbook of Bible Charts & Maps

Theological Background

356 Biblical Doctrine 0 MacArthur and Mayhue

357 Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem (2nd Edition)

358 A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity - Rolland McCune

359 Systematic Theology (3 Volumes) - Charles Hodge

360 Israelology - Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum

361 Systematic Theology (4 Volumes) - Norman L. Geisler

362 Systematic Theology - Louis Berkhof

363 Systematic Theology (8 Volumes) - Lewis Sperry Chafer

364 Historical Theology - Gregg R. Allison

365 Charts on Systematic Theology

Bible Introductions, Surveys, and Overviews

366 A Survey of Old Testament Introduction

367 Jensen 's Survey of the Old Testament

368 A Survey of the Old Testament

369 Old Testament Survey Series (5 Volumes)

370 Old Testament Survey, 2nd edition

371 New Testament Survey

372 Jensen 's Survey of the Old Testament

373 Encountering the New Testament

374 Zondervan Old and New Testament Introduction

375 Visual Outline Charts of the New Testament


376 Tyndale Commentary OT and NT

377 Mentor Commentary Series

378 The Expositor's Commentary Series

379 Preaching the Word Commentary Series

380 John MacArthur New Testament Commentary

381 New American Commentary

382 Word Biblical Commentary

383 New International Commentary OT and NT

384 Pillar Commentary Series

385 Evangelical Exegetical Commentary


386 10,000 Sermon Illustrations

387 AMG Bible Illustrations

388 Tony Evan's Book of Illustrations

389 Swindoll's Ultimate Book of Illustrations and Quotes

390 Nelson's Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations, and Quotes

391 1001 Illustrations that Connect

392 1,500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching

393 Speaker's Sourcebook of New Illustrations

394 Practical Illustrations (4 Volumes)

395 Illustrations of Bible Truth

Application and Discipleship

396 The Handbook of Bible Application

397 Courson's Application Commentary (3 vols.)

398 Putting the Truth to Work: The Theory and Practice of Biblical Application

399 Interpretation and Application

400 Life Application New Testament Commentary

401 The Life Application Bible Commentary (17 vols.)

402 Truth Applied in Preaching

403 Strength for Today - John MacArthur

404 365 Days with Spurgeon (6 vols.)

405 NIV Application Commentary Old and New Testament

Biblical Counseling

406 A Theology of Christian Counseling

407 Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change

408 MacArthur Pastor’s Library on Counseling

409 Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling Collection (4 vols.)

410 Christian Focus Counseling Collection (8 vols.)

411 The Biblical Counseling Reference Guide

412 Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal

413 Journal of Modern Ministry (17 issues)

414 Journal of Biblical Counseling, Volumes 1-34

415 Theology of Biblical Counseling Video Lectures

Bible Study and Hermenuetics

416 A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible: Playing by the Rules, 2nd ed.

417 How to Study the Bible

418 Basic Bible Interpretation

419 Inductive Bible Study: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice of Hermeneutics

420 Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible, 4th e

421 Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching

422 Stuart's and Fee's Exegetical Handbooks (2 vols.)

423 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, 3rd ed.

424 Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

425 The Hermeneutical Spiral

Apologetics and Worldview

426 Five Views on Apologetics (Counterpoints)

427 Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended

428 The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog, 6th ed.

429 Francis Schaeffer Collected Writings Collection (9 vols.)

430 Introducing Apologetics: Cultivating Christian Commitment

431 Baker Apologetics Collection (30 vols.)

432 Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics

433 Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics and Philosophy of Religion

434 The Norman L. Geisler Apologetics Library (12 vols.)

435 The Journal of Biblical Apologetics (11 vols.)


436 The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching

437 MacArthur Pastor’s Library on Preaching

438 Anointed Expository Preaching

439 Preaching that Changes Lives

440 Preaching for the Rest of Us: Essentials for Text-Driven Preaching

441 Preaching Tools

442 Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon, 3rd ed.

443 Preparing Expository Sermons: A Seven-Step Method for Biblical Preaching

444 Preach the Word: Essays on Expository Preaching

445 Preaching

Audio Books

446 Knowing God (audio)

447 The Knowledge of the Holy (audio)

448 The Religious Affections (audio)

449 Narrow Gate Narrow Way (audio)

450 The Word of Promise Audio Bible - New King James Version, NKJV: Complete Bible (audio)

451 The Pilgrim’s Progress (audio)

452 Lectures to My Students (audio)

453 Respectable Sins (audio)

454 The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible (audio)

455 Trusting God (audio)

Mobile Ed Classes

456 Mobile Ed: BI100 Learn to Study the Bible (4 hour course)

457 Mobile Ed: TH293 Israelology: The Doctrine of Israel (13 hour course)

458 Mobile Ed: OT281 How We Got the Old Testament (5 hour course)

459 Mobile Ed: OT306 Book Study: Exodus (10 hour course)

460 Mobile Ed: NT365 Book Study: Letter of James (6 hour course)

461 Mobile Ed: HB101 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (10 hour course)

462 Biblical Greek: Foundational Certificate Program

463 Mobile Ed: Bryan Chapell Preaching Bundle (3 courses)

464 Mobile Ed: TH341 Perspectives on Eschatology: Five Views on the Millennium (4 hour course)

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