Engineering Mechanics- College Level- Statics Part III

Engineering Mechanics- College Level- Statics Part III

This is the third part of a three-part Engineering Mechanics full course. This course is a university/college level for all engineering discipline. This course discusses all about engineering mechanics and statics.

After finishing this three-part course you will be able to perform advanced mechanics/static calculations using equilibrium of particles in 2D and 3D, calculate support reactions with difference loading scenarios (concentrated load, distributed load, concentrate moments, asymmetrical distributed load, etc), internal forces (Normal, Shear, and Bending Moment), draw internal force diagrams for normal, shear, and bending moment. Analysis of beams, frames, and trusses, compute moment of Inertia for advanced shapes and more.

Additionally, this course provides a full script that can be downloaded after enrolling in the class. This script will work as a guidance for students in every lecture. There is space in the script for the student to follow step by step the content and each exercise to solve them at their own paste.

It is important to keep in mind that to take this course you need basic knowledge of Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and College Physics.

After this course you will be prepared for classes such as strength of materials and structural analysis.

I really hope you enjoy this Engineering Mechanics Part III class.

Third part of a 3-part course

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What you will learn
  • Truss analysis
  • Method of joints
  • Method of section

Rating: 5

Level: Intermediate Level

Duration: 7 hours

Instructor: Ariana Morales

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