Learn Semiconductor Electronics
Learn Semiconductor Electronics
Electronics have revolutionized our world. From cell phones to computers and automobiles and beyond, electronics is everywhere. Interest in this subject is always fruitful. Having a better understanding of electronics is always rewarding. This subject is the core of electrical and electronic engineering in most universities. But it is always a good idea to learn more and more about electronics because it is everywhere! Having a better understanding will help us interact smartly, appropriately with these gadgets around us. It will also make us understand what might be the possible cause of the problem with any machine that is bugging us. So learning electronics in this course will help you improve the quality of your life.
This course is about basic electronics. It covers semiconductor diodes and bipolar junction transistors. Diode circuits including rectifier and even Zener diode-based regulated power supply. BJT biasing schemes are explained with numerical examples. Finally, BJT based amplifier is discussed in detail with its voltage gain derivation. The style of this course is to make it easy to understand. So you would be learning in this course:
Semiconductor Diodes
Bipolar Junction Transistors
Zener Diodes
Power Supply basics
In this course, the teaching style is adopted with the intention to give a classroom-like experience focused on student engagement.
So why waiting? Get enrolled now!
Lear about diode and BJT circuits with worked examples and detailed explanations
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What you will learn
- Semiconductor electronic devices including diodes and transistors and their circuits
- BJT biasing schemes, BJT as switch
- Rectifiers, Amplifier,
Rating: 5
Level: All Levels
Duration: 3.5 hours
Instructor: Yasir Amir
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