The History of Acupuncture
The History of Acupuncture
You’ll gain an overview of the diverse modern world of acupuncture - its origins, history, spread and development. And be inspired about the rich heritage of health wisdom that we tap into when we give or receive an acupuncture treatment
The history of acupuncture is a very beautiful journey. It's a glorious tale of China, and other nearby civilisations, over several millennia, and that’s before we even start with the complex web of transmission that brought that knowledge to the rest of the world.
This course gives a nice clear overview, from the Yellow Emperor in neolithic China, through to modern innovations like battlefield acupuncture. It explores questions like:
Just how old is acupuncture?
How to know your Nei Jing from your Nan Jing
Does acupuncture = TCM = the distilled essence of ancient Chinese medical wisdom?
How the heck did they think up acupuncture in the first place?
Just how did acupuncture reach you and me today, all the way from its origins in China thousands of years ago?
The role of women in the history of acupuncture
This course is for practitioners (and anyone else with some knowledge or interest in acupuncture) keen to build your understanding of our history. I It will empower you to:
Answer your patients' questions with confidence
Have a better sense of what other practitioners are on about when they talk about Sun Simiao or the Nei Jing
*** NOTE *** This course takes about 3.5 hours to complete - it is made up of 2:22 hours of video, and arouund 1:10 hours of PDFs
A nice clear overview
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What you will learn
- The rich heritage of health wisdom that you tap into when you give or receive an acupuncture treatment
- An overview of the diverse modern world of acupuncture - its origins, history, spread and development
- How to answer your patients' questions about the history of acupuncture
Rating: 4.875
Level: Intermediate Level
Duration: 2.5 hours
Instructor: Jessica Kennedy
Courses By: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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