Lucid Dreaming: Control Your Dreams In 30 Days Or Less

Lucid Dreaming: Control Your Dreams In 30 Days Or Less

FACT: This is the FIRST ever official lucid dreaming course on Udemy with the most in-depth material, the most reviews, and the highest rating. It's practical. It's comprehensive. It's made for results.


"Thank you very much for this course. It really works. After 13 days I had my first lucid dream!!!... I’m really excited to continue with this course. I strongly recommend it!!! Thank you again." - Antonio Cardoso

"Highly transformative! I am about a month into the habit and I have already experienced three separate lucid dreams."  - Charles Karoly Varga Jr.


Want to fly in your dreams almost every night (and experience all the things that are 'impossible' in real life)?

Want to solve your real-life problems while you sleep?

Want to actually make use of the 6+ hours you spend sleeping instead of letting that time go to waste?

Want to eliminate all of your deep rooted fears? (e.g. You can eliminate your fear of public speaking by speaking and practicing in front of your own, self-created audience in your dreams!)

This, and SO much more is possible with the scientifically proven skill of lucid dreaming. 

Take this course and join our community of 2,600+ dreamers from 103 countries learning how to control their dreams!

This course has been ranked the #1 BEST-SELLING lucid dreaming course on Udemy with over 100+ FIVE STAR REVIEWS!


"1st of all I very seldom leave a "rating" this early on in almost any course. This is so far an exception. This course has such immense collective material. That even in the beginning its a HIGH rater!!!"

- Anthony L.

"I’ve taken a couple of other online courses for lucid dreaming and this one is the best, by far. The classes progress in a clear and logical fashion, the instructor is easy to understand and given all the material presented, the price is very reasonable. Thank you!"

Hugo Fernandez


What Is Lucid Dreaming?

  • A scientifically proven ability to be conscious while you're dreaming (to realize you're dreaming!)

  • The ability to “wake up" in your dreams and take control.

  • 1 in 3 people have experienced it at least once in their life, naturally.

  • The lucid dream experience is just as clear as your regular waking day experience – where everything you see, taste, touch, smell, and hear is just as “real" as normal life!

  • Made famous by 30+ award-winning movie centered around lucid dreaming; Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan (a known lucid dreamer)

  • A 1,000+ year old Buddhist practice used for spiritual and mental development


"Well, I'm only half way thru this course and I have had two (brief) lucid dreams. So there is definitely something to this..."  Michael Kudla

"I have been Lucid Dreaming for years without any real background. This course is just what I needed to take my Lucid Dreaming to the next level. In my first night I used a basic reality check to know 100% I was dreaming and then took control. I believe with more practice that this information has the power to change lives in a positive way. Thanks Arnov!" - Todd


Lucid Dreaming: The Art of Becoming Aware That You're Dreaming.

Simply put, lucid dreaming is the art of developing awareness in your dream.  When you realize you’re dreaming, your dream reality becomes much clearer. Colors come to life. It’s like you switch from 360px video quality to 2048px HD video quality.

The term “lucid” in itself, means clarity. With greater clarity, and the awareness of the fact that you’re dreaming, you realize that this is YOUR platform for creation.

There are no rules here. You make the rules. Anything is possible. And naturally, like a child that steps into his or her favorite playground, you’re ecstatic! That’s when your dream control adventures begin...


Take this course and apply proven, tested, and simple techniques to:

  • Have your first lucid dream.

  • Lucid dream on demand.

  • Shape your dreams according to your will.

  • Stay lucid for a longer period of time.

  • Have lucid dreams more often.


"Until now this is the best course i've taken at Udemy! I'm not new to lucid dream topic but the course was structured in a way that if you are starter or not you can get all the info you want in a very clear way. Great content who addresses all LD disciplines, examples, additional content for download... All my questions were answered fast. Now I'm on the right path to explore my dreams."

Daniel Felix Lucid Dreaming Course Student

"Very direct, structured course without unnecessary details about lucid dreaming. I have attended previously to class room course about the subject, but it was very chaotic and it left me if lot of questions. This course is exactly what you want to get, straight to the point information. Highly recommended." 

- Kaspars Vilde | Lucid Dreaming Course Student


What Is Lucid Dreaming, REALLY? Our Students are Calling It:

  • Your personal virtual reality simulator

  • Stress reliever

  • Training grounds (where you can practice real-world skills i.e. basketball, martial arts, musical instruments, etc.)

  • Creativity unlocker

  • Nightmare eliminator

  • The key to the subconscious mind

  • One of the best productivity tools

  • Mind enhancer

  • Fun self-growth tool

  • Spiritual growth tool

  • And much more...


"I only trained with [John Smith – World Wrestling Legend: 2-time Gold Medalist, 4-Time World Champion] 45-60 minutes per night while I was lucid dreaming. I went on to have my best career season, which culminated with a more than  20-0 record before the national championships…I’ve since used lucid dreaming to accelerate skill acquisition, reactivate forgotten languages in less time, cultivate zen-like present state awareness and decrease needless stress.

Tim Ferriss
#1 NYT Bestseller of The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, and The 4-Hour Chef


Lucid Dreaming: Scientifically Proven In 1975 

  • Since Dr. Keith Hearne proved that lucid dreaming was a real phenomena in 1975, there have been numerous studies that have used EEG and fMRI data to confirm lucid dreaming to be a verifiable state of human consciousness. 

  • In the Introduction video of this course, you will learn about an interesting experiment that demonstrates how lucid dreaming is 100% real and proven in the laboratory. 


The Benefits & Uses Of Lucid Dreaming

So imagine this – you're in a world where everything feels just as “real" as you know it to be now, and you're in complete control. 

You're not limited by any natural rules or scientific laws like gravity.

What would you do? 

By discovering the art of lucid dreaming through the Dream Hacking step-by-step system in this course, you will be able to go to sleep every night with the ability to: 

  • Feel the exhilarating thrill and freedom of flying

  • Summon dream characters for sexual journeys

  • Have conversations with celebrities, personal role models, and personal heroes

  • Travel to exotic locations

  • Discover your true purpose in life

  • Overcome obstacles, fears, and phobias

  • Eliminate negative habits to lose weight, decrease stress, quit smoking, etc.

  • Practice and improve your real life skills

  • Give rise to your buried creative potential

  • Live out your future visions, goals, and dreams

  • Eliminate recurring nightmares

  • And much, much more…


"This course is an overall great lucid dreaming resource. Every piece of content has meaning and is applicable to lucid dreaming. The instructor is clearly experienced and knows what he’s taking about. I really liked how everything is reviewed at the end and the instructor provides his intentions and goals behind the course. This inspires students to go out and actually apply what hey have learned not only to help them lucid dream, but to make lucid dreaming more relevant to the waking world. At the end of the day, this is a fantastic course for anyone interested in lucid dreaming. Wether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dreamer that needs a refresh, this course is well worth the value. Arnov, thanks for an amazing course, and I hope to see more from you in the future :)"

- Nathan Twyman | Lucid Dreaming Course Student 


Famous Known Lucid Dreamers Of Our Time (To Name A Few...)

  • Nikola Tesla

  • Leonardo Dicaprio

  • James Cameron

  • Richard Feynman

  • Albert Einstein

  • Stephen King

  • Chris Nolan

  • Salvador Dali

  • The Wachowski Brothers

  • Thomas Edison

  • Richard Linklater

  • Thomas Edison

  • Tim Ferriss


How Lucid Dreaming Can Lead To Real-World Success

  • Apply the power of visualization: live your goals and desired achievements in your dreams every night and watch them show up in the real world

  • Have more creativity and mental clarity when making important decisions in career, health, and relationships

  • Practice your craft, your skills, your talents, for real life situations… in your lucid dreams

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your subconscious thoughts, with more emotional control, and stronger intuition

  • And there are many, many more ways you can achieve success in your real life by waking up to your dreams every night...


"The instructor covers EVERYTHING. You will have all the know hows to becoming a lucid dreamer. Any questions you have will be answered in the course. You get all the tools, it just comes down to whether your committed enough. He isn't the most entertaining instructor though. I'm not saying he'll put you to sleep either, but definitely could be delivered better to be more amusing (maybe it was using too many power points). But once again, everything you need to know is covered. Even stuff you wouldn't expect find out about."

Israel Alvarado | Lucid Dreaming Course Student


Lucid Dreaming Is For Everyone – Regardless Of Age Or Lucid Dreaming Experience

You are already capable of lucid dreaming. 

The hard part is to recognize when you're dreaming – and this skill can be mastered. 

A lot of people think this is extremely rare and hard to do – so they give up, and continue wasting the opportunity to explore and expand their potential every night. 

As human consciousness and society has evolved, our minds have become more cluttered, which keeps our mind in a state of “fog". 

The techniques you will learn in this course, will enable you to eliminate the fog and make you more aware of the world around you. It will make you more present.

As you become more present in your everyday "awake" life, you will carry that presence over to your "sleep" life...

This in turn, will lead to easy, consistent lucid dreaming. 


"Of the 31 courses I've enrolled in on Udemy, this one stands out as being the most efficient in terms of quality information and brevity. It strikes a great balance and you can tell that the instructor has taken the topic seriously. Not only that, but he has a real passion for the subject that comes through in his presentation. I'd say that this course is very valuable to anyone interested in learning about lucid dreaming, but wants a practical approach to achieving results in a relatively short period of time. I'm appreciative of the hard work you've put into designing the course, and especially grateful that it has virtually NO fluff because in my opinion there are too many bogus courses out there which only waste your time and tell you things you likely already know or could have learned by reading a short article. If Arnov produces any other courses I will strongly consider purchasing them, enjoy!"

- Ian McGuire | Lucid Dreaming Course Student


Lucid Dreaming Is A Lifelong Skill You Can Acquire 

It's like learning to ride a bike – before you started, it seemed like the hardest thing to do. But once it clicked, you never forgot it. 

That's exactly how lucid dreaming works. Once you know how to do it, you will be able to lucid dream for the rest of your life. 

The hard part is getting over the psychological barrier to attempt it in the first place. 

When you were first learning how to ride a bike, training wheels helped make it easier to learn. 

This Dream Hacking course will give you your lucid-dreaming training-wheels. 


“I have been obsessed with lucid dreaming for the past year now and I have bought almost every course and book that I could find...This dream hacking course is by far the most detailed and in-depth resource that I have found. This one course could easily replace every other resource that i have used."

- Faizal M. | Lucid Dreaming Course Student


It's Time: Wake Up To Your Dreams & Discover The Universe Inside Your Mind...

FACT: The average person sleeps 6 – 8 hours a day. 

That's 30% of a 24-hour day. 

Which means you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping. 

 That's anywhere from 20 – 25 years! 

So There Are 2 Types Of People – Which One Are You?

Are you the person who's going to dream "by default" and waste those 20-25 years of your life? 

Or are you the person who is motivated to spend 20-25 years flying, evolving your creativity, practicing real-world skills, getting answers from your subconscious mind, and so much more... All while in a state of heightened awareness... in a state of lucid dreaming...?

The unfortunate truth is that most people are wasting those 20-25 years of their life. 

Most people will close this page and continue having the same old, boring sleep life...

Dream Hackers however, are going to sleep every night looking forward to exploring their own virtual reality playground!

Start exploring yours today. 

Click on the "Take This Course" button on the top right of this page and start learning how to lucid dream!

This is your moment to decide... do you want to become a certified Dream Hacker in just 30 days?

Do you want to start waking up to your dreams?

We look forward to having you join our community!


OUR GUARANTEE: Enroll In This Course and Lucid Dream - Or Get 100% of Your Money Back. 

If you don't lucid dream within 30 days by applying the principles of this course, you can get a full refund and you can KEEP all of your downloaded material. 

You have no risk to just TRY this course. Now we have the risk of getting you results. 

If it's not for you, simply get a refund. We shouldn't keep your money if you're not flying in your dreams with what we're teaching you.

Just remember: every night you go without enrolling in this course, you are missing the opportunity to take control of your dreams...

Don't let your dreams run on "default" anymore - when you could be using that time to fly, create, explore, and enjoy!

FACT: This is the FIRST ever lucid dreaming course on Udemy with the most in-depth material, the most reviews, and the highest rating.

So look no further - join 2,000+ lucid dreamers by enrolling now!

We'll see you on the inside!


What Current Students Are Saying About This Course:

"This course ranks as one of the most informative and enjoyable I have taken on Udemy to date! The material is well presented with high-quality, aesthetically pleasing images, slides, and background music that fit the subject matter. The instructor's extensive experience with lucid dreaming, the breadth of his study of the literature on the topic, and his enthusiasm for the subject matter are obvious, and the course is very thorough. In addition to the lectures, the instructor provides detailed PDF notes on each section that are very useful for quickly reviewing the subject matter. He also provides quick and very thoughtful answers to students' questions. In addition, this course includes three binaural-beat audio recordings to enhance lucid dreaming, sleep, and meditation, respectively, as well as a list of the books the instructor has found most useful on lucid dreaming. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in lucid dreaming, as well as those interested in experiencing an example of a thorough, well-done course. This course was well worth my time and money! Many thanks, Arnov!"

- Debbie Hart Lucid Dreaming Course Student


"The instructor covers EVERYTHING. You will have all the know hows to becoming a lucid dreamer. Any questions you have will be answered in the course. You get all the tools, it just comes down to whether your committed enough. He isn't the most entertaining instructor though. I'm not saying he'll put you to sleep either, but definitely could be delivered better to be more amusing (maybe it was using too many power points). But once again, everything you need to know is covered. Even stuff you wouldn't expect find out about."

- Israel Alvarado | Lucid Dreaming Course Student


"Today, virtual reality is the thing. It's what many are looking forward to bringing into our everyday lives. But I think lucid dreaming is like the ultimate virtual reality that we all have access to, but don't know how to unlock. This course will give you keys to unlock it, forever. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in escaping into the world of lucid dreaming."

- Titus Philip | Lucid Dreaming Course Student


"Of the 31 courses I've enrolled in on Udemy, this one stands out as being the most efficient in terms of quality information and brevity. It strikes a great balance and you can tell that the instructor has taken the topic seriously. Not only that, but he has a real passion for the subject that comes through in his presentation. I'd say that this course is very valuable to anyone interested in learning about lucid dreaming, but wants a practical approach to achieving results in a relatively short period of time. I'm appreciative of the hard work you've put into designing the course, and especially grateful that it has virtually NO fluff because in my opinion there are too many bogus courses out there which only waste your time and tell you things you likely already know or could have learned by reading a short article. If Arnov produces any other courses I will strongly consider purchasing them, enjoy!"

  - Ian McGuire | Lucid Dreaming Course Student

[More Reviews Below!]



  • New lecture: Binaural Beats & Lucid Dreaming (How To Use Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming)

  • New bonus downloads: 3 Premium Binaural Beats MP3s specially designed to help trigger vivid lucid dreams.

We're always updating the course with new material. Join once and get lifetime access to new updated resources!


A step-by-step practical system to lucid dream with 60+ lectures, PDF summaries, expert feedback + binaural beats MP3s!

Url: View Details

What you will learn
  • How to have your first lucid dream
  • How to lucid dream on demand
  • How to stay lucid for a long period of time

Rating: 4.55

Level: All Levels

Duration: 7 hours

Instructor: Arnov Rahman

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