Complete LinkedIn Masterclass 2022

Complete LinkedIn Masterclass 2022

The One Thing You Can Do to Generate Leads on LinkedIn Right Now

We just got off a call with Eric, who owns a video agency.

“Three months ago, we had $40,000 sitting in the bank. Business was good, but...” he said.

We knew the next sentence would not be good.

“No one is buying,” he said.

Make no mistake, Eric is a master at his craft of creating compelling videos for his clients.

But here’s the shocking he realized…

He realized it takes a whole new set of skills to find his dream clients who will pay MORE for his services...

...skills that he did not expect.

Here’s something else:

You need to build relationships and establish trust with your dream clients if they are going to trust you enough to pay you well and consistently for your services.

In today’s connected era, you cannot get away with a business equivalent of a “one night stand.”

LinkedIn is the best place to build relationships with your dream clients, establish yourself as an expert and earn their trust.

Here’s why...

Decision Makers Are Paying Attention On LinkedIn 24/7

Never in the history of humankind -- and sales for that matter -- have we had so much access to the RIGHT decision makers all in ONE PLACE at the SAME TIME.

You can now get the RIGHT clients and sales from all over the world using LinkedIn.

As we’re writing you today, there are now over 563 million professionals in over 200 countries with a LinkedIn account, and over 260 million monthly active members.

But that’s not all.

61 million of those users are senior level influencers and 40 million are in decision-making position.

But despite of the great opportunities to generate high-value leads and sales on LinkedIn… owners, salespeople, consultants, service businesses are...


Let us explain

The secrets of LinkedIn Marketing and LinkedIn Lead Generation Is NOT What You Think ...

Here’s the thing: there are 3 things you can do right now to generate more leads and sales on LinkedIn.

(In fact we will share those with you in a moment).

But if you’re like most people, you’re...

Busting your a** off day and night with little result. It seems that whatever marketing strategy you implement only repels prospects from you like you had a plague or incurable disease. You’re not attracting the RIGHT clients you dreamed off when you started your business

Unsure how to use LinkedIn to get sales. You know it’s possible, but it feels everyday you log into LinkedIn, you’re just shooting blindly...without any strategy or knowledge of what is working or not. You’re worried that without a proven system, you will continue wasting your time and money.

Overwhelmed and frustrated by all the opposing information. We’ve been there too. You feel overpowered by the amount of information out there. You don’t know what is REAL and what is not. As a result of this paralysis by analysis, you do nothing.

Afraid of damaging your brand. You see all these self-promotional and salesy LinkedIn messages and you’ve sworn you don’t want to ruin your years of work and stab your brand to the graveyard. #wehearyou

Struggling to stay motivated. You want to give up because it seems your prospects are “refusing” your product. You’re beginning to take it personal, you’re doubting yourself, and you maybe even think you’re not good enough.

You’re not alone…

Because we’ve been there too.

Now here comes the good news: you can finally turn this around.

This exactly why we’re writing to you today.

So keep reading

The Proven Techniques To LinkedIn Lead Generation and LinkedIn Sales That You Won’t Find Anywhere

Let’s face the facts:

LinkedIn is not a resume board or an online yellow pages.

If you think you can just set up a profile or company page, and leads will flood your door like a’ll be disappointed!

OR... if you think you can connect with someone, instantly pitching them your service, and win their trust….you will be dead wrong.

Here’s why:

You see, the power of LinkedIn is in the network effect. If you connect with someone, you gain incredible access to their network.

The approach of connecting and pitching, may have worked years ago when LinkedIn just started, but that stuff doesn’t work anymore.

Now here comes the good part...

Your success on LinkedIn - and we mean quality leads and sales - will 100% depend on how you tap into the network effect.

You have to understand that people buy from people they like and trust.

Today, the most powerful linkedin lead generation system is built on TRUST and VALUE.

We can’t emphasize this enough:

Once you understand this and the secrets we’ll share with you, getting high-paying clients on LinkedIn becomes as easy as following a step-by-step recipe.

Just follow the steps and you’re set.

Imagine what it would be like to have a step-by-step plan for connecting with MORE of the right kind of clients on LinkedIn...

Imagine a blueprint that reveals WHAT you need to do and WHEN you need to do it to get meaningful conversations with LinkedIn prospects you WANT to work with...

A blueprint that gave you tested LinkedIn scripts and templates that you could use immediately to get more meetings and sales.

That’d be pretty awesome, right? (Great, we see you nodding)

We’ve got some news: with the right system in place, it’s possible!

Before we get into that, we want to answer one question that might be bugging you at this point:

“How did you guys figure all this out?”

We Figured Out LinkedIn Lead Generation System That Gets Consistent Results…After Years and Countless Experiments

Hi, it’s Kwesi and Julbert here.

Together, we have teamed up to provide you with the best, proven LinkedIn system you’ll ever need to get more leads, referrals and increase sales.

After spending over 87,600 hours figuring out how LinkedIn works, we have a plug-and-play blueprint.

You may have seen some of our articles in Social Media Examiner, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, BBC, NJ Business, Technology Innovation Management Review and Hubspot where we share some techniques for getting B2B sales.

Altogether, we’ve helped nearly 1,000 businesses, founders, entrepreneurs and freelancers get astounding results on LinkedIn when it comes to generating leads and closing more sales for their business.

And in the process we’ve helped these businesses generate over $500 million in new B2B customers and leads.

We Learned Everything Because It Was Life And Death...We Had No Safety Net

We are outsiders who cracked the code to LinkedIn lead generation.

Take Julbert for example. He originally from Haiti and he came to the United States 18 years ago. He learned english here and started his first business in College.

In 2011, he got laid off and couldn’t find a job. He was being evicted out of his apartment and losing his car.

He decided to put his entrepreneurship hat back on and started a marketing consulting business in his apartment kitchen table.

Since he didn’t have a network or any connections, he turned to LinkedIn. He started building relationships and connect with business owners.

He was able to find his first few clients on LinkedIn that allow him to pay the bills.

But that’s not all…

Kwesi also moved to New York a couple of years ago from Europe with zero professional network. Nobody knew him, and he did not know anyone.

He did not have a job, so he started working with startups.

He had to get sales for these startups or he couldn’t pay my bills. It was a life and death situation. He didn’t have any cozy 9-5 job or family to fall back on.

Here’s our point:

We had to figure out what worked on LinkedIn and get results in the real world…or we didn’t eat.

Of course we failed...A LOT...when we started.

But soon, we got better.

We improved our process, and started getting unimaginable results for our clients. We began teaching our LinkedIn marketing and LinkedIn lead generation process at different workshops and events.

We Are Not Telling You This To Brag...But To Show Why You Need A LinkedIn Blueprint That Doesn’t Fail (So You Don’t Fail)

Here’s something we wish we knew five years ago...AND wish someone had told us...

Unless you have a proven, step-by-step LinkedIn marketing and LinkedIn Lead Generation system in place, you’ll be wasting your time…

…. and throwing money away into a bottomless sinkhole…

...and you’ll be missing out on the full power of the platform.

Here’s something else:

Because most people don’t have a proven blueprint, they tend to ask questions like:

“How should I send a LinkedIn Inmail?”

“How many times should I post on LInkedIn?”

“What if my client is not on LinkedIn?”

“How do I ask for a meeting?”

Our answer to these question tend to shock them: these questions DON’T MATTER.

You see, when you find yourself asking questions like these, it means that you’re worrying about things that don’t make a difference AT ALL.

Here’s why:

Without a blueprint that shows you what you NEED to focus on, you’ll NEVER be able to get CONSISTENT results.

A proven, step-by-step blueprint that shows you EXACTLY what you need to do and EXACTLY how to do it.

Because once you have a proven plan in place, you’re set.

There’s no guesswork and nothing to figure out.

Just follow the steps, do the work, and you’re good as gold.

The way we see it, you have two options:

Option #1: You Can Wing It And Try To Figure It All By Yourself

You’ll be surprised that this is the “strategy” that most people choose… and it FAILS them.

Of course, you can attempt to put the pieces together from Google search results, blog posts, forums and YouTube videos. But that would take YEARS. (And you might still not be able to convert the information out there into a step-by-step playbook).

After all, it took us a combined 10 years of tireless experimentation before we had a step-by-step plan in place.

If you’ve noticed, the LinkedIn lead generation and LinkedIn marketing information you come across online is often conflicting, confusing (and more often than not), and full of fluff.

All this conflicting information makes it almost impossible to turn the content you read into a step-by-step blueprint.

But here’s the good news:

We’ve already done all the hard work for you. We’ve run countless experiments over the last four years.

We’ve gone through the struggle of “putting the pieces together”.

And we’ve come out the other side with a plug-and-play system to get meetings with anyone and close deals.

And we’ve packed my system into a proven blueprint that anyone can follow.

So here’s option #2…

Option #2: Follow a Proven, Step-By-Step Blueprint.

You are on this this page because you’re serious about growing your business with LinkedIn…

…and you know that to grow your service business, you need more to get the RIGHT kind of people knocking on your door…

...people who will pay you well for your services.

That’s why we’re going to show you how to take the advice you learned today, and turn it into a step-by-step blueprint for getting quality LinkedIn leads and LinkedIn sales.

We’ve developed an online training course that cuts out the noise, fluff and conflicting advice…

…and shows you EXACTLY how to get more b2b leads and customers using proven LinkedIn strategies.

So keep reading.

Introducing Complete LinkedIn Masterclass

Join Complete LinkedIn Masterclass, and we’ll show you.

the exact step-by-step LinkedIn system and techniques you can use to quickly get more leads, book more sales appointments, (and most important of all) significantly boost your revenue.

This course not only teaches you the exact step-by-step techniques on how to get LinkedIn leads that brings in sales…

But also you’ll get plug-and-play scripts and templates you can use to starting getting more leads and sales...FAST. You’ll:

  • Understand the process we use to close 6 figure deals on LinkedIn and why others fail. Knowing this can save you the heartbreak of winging it and failing miserably!

  • Learn the proven secrets of exactly how to set up your LinkedIn profile so that it becomes a magnet that attracts ONLY the RIGHT kind of clients (this will save you the headache of dealing with non-buyers)

  • Avoid 3 amateurish mistakes that send LinkedIn outreach into the graveyard and that INSTANTLY stop buyers from responding to you. Are you making these mistakes right now?

But that’s not all

Let Us Break This Down for You

Now’s the time to decide whether the Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is right for you.

If you say “yes” to any of these questions…

…then Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is PERFECT for you.

  • Are you a small business owner that wants more of the RIGHT clients who will pay you well, consistently? Then The Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is PERFECT for you.

  • Do you sell products, programs, and services through meetings, strategy sessions, consultations, sales appointments, etc. ? The Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is PERFECT for you.

  • Are you a sales person and want a consistent stream of quality appointments with prospects who WANT your product or service? The Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is PERFECT for you.

  • Are you an agency founder or entrepreneur looking for ways to establish yourself as an expert and be seen as an authority (so you get paid MORE)? The Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is PERFECT for you.

  • Are you a lead generation agency that wants to impress your clients with outstanding results? Then The Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is PERFECT for you.

  • Are you a startup founder and want to quickly get sales and partners? Lead Generation Masterclass is PERFECT for you.

If you said “yes” to any of these questions keep reading so you can learn exactly what you’ll get from your investment in Complete LinkedIn Masterclass.

Module 1: Attract High-Value Clients in 10 Minutes

This module is designed to get you the FASTEST no time.

You’ll learn how to create — or edit — your LinkedIn profile in 20 minutes or less, so it sucks in quality prospects on autopilot.

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn:

  • Our step-by-step technique for creating a LinkedIn description that attracts high-value clients in 10 Minutes

  • 3 unforgivable mistakes that send the RIGHT buyers fleeing away from you, and how you can FIX that instantly (are you making these mistakes?)

  • Our secret LinkedIn strategy that can convert DOUBTING prospects into BELIEVING clients (no one is talking about this)

Module 2: The Secret Pillars of LinkedIn Success

By the end of this module you’ll be able to establish yourself as THE person prospects WANT to work and WIN their business, over and over again.

Because you will tap into our proven LinkedIn cornerstone frameworks

For example, we’ll show you:

  • The exact blueprint that will turn your LinkedIn profile into a relentless cash machine (that brings in the RIGHT prospects even when you’re not logged in to LinkedIn)

  • Our piece-by-piece LinkedIn process that will make you 10 times more STICKIER and LIKABLE in the MINDS of your prospect, so they buy from you an autopilot

  • 3 techniques for writing status updates that removes any resistance to sales, so you close deals FASTER (#2 will surprise you)

Module 3: “Black Belt” Tactics To Get LinkedIn Company Pages & Groups Work For You For Free

When you’re done with this module you’ll know exactly how to set up your LinkedIn company page so your ideal clients buy your product or service.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The ULTIMATE blueprint for writing LinkedIn company page descriptions that will significantly boost your revenue

  • The lesser-known techniques of using LinkedIn company showcases (did you even know there’s one?) to skyrocket your sales

  • Our exact process for building a community using LinkedIn groups and how to shamelessly profit from it (without being salesy or losing a shred of credibility)

Module 4: The Keys to High-Ticket Sales

In this module, we’ll unveil my secret stack of techniques that will get you your dream clients...FAST. These are the same tactics we use to “hack” the LinkedIn system and grow our sales, QUICK.

These are a few of the things you’ll learn in this module:

  • Our 5 proven tactics for identifying your next 6 figure client my exact (the 3rd and 4th tactic is so easy you’ll feel like you’re CHEATING)

  • 2 ridiculously simple tools for finding the best keywords and data on prospects so you win new business faster

  • Our battle-tested CIA-like tactics that can help you mindread prospects so you STOP wasting time on non-buyers

Module 5: Open The Floodgates to Qualified Leads

This is one of our favorite modules because we reveal everything we know about how to get a meeting with ANYONE on LinkedIn.

In this module, we’ll show you:

  • Our foolproof, piece by piece, Linkedin prospecting cadence that guarantees high-ticket sales

  • The non-aggressive, but incredibly powerful system, we use to follow up on prospects who “play hard to get” and turn them into high-paying customers

  • The exact blueprint to convert linkedin conversations into real meetings via phone or in person meeting (so you avoiding getting “friendzoned” by prospects)

Module 6: Non-Salesy Techniques For Getting Referrals

After completing this this module you’ll know exactly how to get consistent LinkedIn referrals that turn into sales.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

  • Our secret “Acres of Diamond” technique we use to generate quality referral on tap, week in, week out (and it ALWAYS works like magic)

  • 4 little-known techniques that’ll make you #1 expert in your network and literally compel your connections to send referrals your way

  • 13-step dead simple process for growing your influence in Linkedin groups so you never run out of referrals

Module 7: Get Endless Website Traffic, Inquiries & Sales

Here’s an uncomfortable truth: you don’t own the data on LinkedIn.

If LinkedIn goes out of business tomorrow, you’ll lose prospects information, email and so on.

But here’s the good news:

After completing this module, you’ll know exactly how to FIX that….

Because we reveal our techniques for using LinkedIn to generate INSANE traffic to your website and turn that traffic into data (that you OWN), inquiries and sales.

We’ll show you:

  • How to generate 100+ leads and $12,000 with one linkedin post

  • The non-techy video techniques that can to double your traffic without spending a dime on advertising

You can use these same exact techniques immediately to get results FAST.

[Insert testimonials]

[Insert enroll buttons]

This is The ONLY LinkedIn System You’ll EVER Need For Getting Leads in Any Niche!

As you can see, the Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is a comprehensive business training course that shows you EXACTLY what you need to do to get results.

If you search around on the internet, a business training course like this will cost you thousands of dollars….

$10,000? $9,000?...even $15,000 maybe.

And let’s say you were to take a similar training as a college course, you know that would set you back AT LEAST $8,000 (not to mention all the money you’d need to cough up on registration fees, books, and materials).

We don’t think we’re exaggerating when we say that the course content in the Complete LinkedIn Masterclass is head and shoulders above what you’ll find elsewhere (that is if you can even find it at all).

Here’s Our 30-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Promise

You can try Complete LinkedIn Masterclass today 100% risk-free.

This is more than a mere Guarantee, it’s our personal promise.

So even if you think Complete LinkedIn Masterclass might be the right investment for you, don’t be afraid to pull the trigger today.

Take a full 30 days and work your way through all the elements of the course. Build your LinkedIn system, contact prospects, use it to sell your products and services.

If you are not surprised and delighted by the course materials, simply ask for a refund.

You may be wondering:

“Guys, why do you offer such a generous, no-questions-asked refund policy?”

That’s simple: We’re confident in the Complete LinkedIn Masterclass training materials. We’ve seen it work firsthand for myself and hundreds of professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions: Got a question? No problem. Here are your answers:

What if I’m brand new to LinkedIn?

Fantastic! This course will help you get a running start with your lead generation efforts. You could spend 1-2 years treading water, winging it, and trying to figure out how to get consistent leads (like I did), OR you could start getting qualified leads ASAP.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Do you have any refunds or guarantees?

You bet! You have THIRTY days to go through the course, try my strategies, techniques and get results. If you are not surprised and delighted by the increase in leads, sales, profits, and happy customers, simply ask for a refund.  We take all the risk (you could rip us off, but we trust that you won’t), and you take no risk at all.

What format is the course content delivered in?

The course includes videos and workbooks.

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

Am I going to have to buy a bunch of pricey software or spend money on ads?

We are all about making the most of what you have, wherever you are in your LinkedIn lead generation journey. We may recommend a paid tool from time to time, but by no means does the course revolve around you buying any pricey software. You can get solid results without spending a penny.

The LinkedIn Secrets For Getting More Leads, Referrals, & Sales

Url: View Details

What you will learn
  • Understand the process we use to close 6 figure deals on LinkedIn and why others fail. Knowing this can save you the heartbreak of winging it and failing miserably!
  • Our foolproof, piece by piece, Linkedin prospecting cadence that guarantees high-ticket sales
  • The exact blueprint that will turn your LinkedIn profile into a relentless cash machine (that brings in the RIGHT prospects even when you’re not logged in to LinkedIn)

Rating: 4.05

Level: All Levels

Duration: 3.5 hours

Instructor: Kwesi Sakyi-Gyinae

Courses By:   0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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