Martial Arts - Ninjutsu - Beginner Secret Fighting

Martial Arts - Ninjutsu - Beginner Secret Fighting

Bujinkan Ikari Dōjō Online (武神館奭道場) presents beginner secret fighting for ninjutsu, a martial art of the Ninja. Ikari Dōjō (Majestic Hall 奭道場) is affiliated with the Bujinkan organisation (Divine Warrior Temple 武神館). The Bujinkan teaches Budō Taijutsu (Classical Martial Arts of the Way of War 武道體術) and is based in Noda, Japan, and headed by grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi. The Bujinkan teaches nine traditional Japanese martial arts schools including:

  • Togakure-ryū Ninpō Taijutsu (戸隠流忍法体術) [Hidden Door School]

  • Gyokko-ryū Kosshijutsu (玉虎流骨指術) [Jade Tiger School]

  • Kuki Shinden Happō Bikenjutsu (九鬼神伝流八法秘剣術) [Nine Fierce Gods School]

  • Koto Ryū Koppōjutsu (虎倒流骨法術) [Tiger Felling School]

  • Shinden Fudo Ryū Dakentaijutsu (神伝不動流打拳体術) [Immovable Heart School]

  • Takagi Yoshin Ryū Jūtaijutsu (高木揚心流柔体術) [Willow Heart School]

  • Gikan Ryū Koppōjutsu (義鑑流骨法術) [Virtues Paragon School]

  • Gyokushin-ryū Ryū Ninpō (玉心流忍法) [Jade Heart School]

  • Kumogakure Ryū Ninpō (雲隠流忍法) [Hidden Clouds School]

Beginner secret fighting for ninjutsu (nintaijutsu shoden 忍耐術初伝) is part of the the Bujinkan Unified Fundamental Curriculum (Touitsuteki Kihon Katei 武神館統一的基本課程 [TKK]), which is a general curriculum made up of multiple modules to prepare students for the practice of the nine schools of the Bujinkan. The TKK contains foundational basics for the three general aspects of the Bujinkan; taijutsu, jujutsu and ninjutsu. It also prepares students with specialist modules for further training in preparation for the denshou (transmission 伝承) of the nine schools.   

This course is part of a sub-section of the TKK called the Hidden Door branch (Togakureha 戸隠派) designed to prepare a student for the practice of the Hidden Door lineage (Togakure Ryū 戸隠流) of the Bujinkan. Togakureha includes 18 modules focusing on developing the techniques, skills and knowledge required for the practice of Togakure Ryū. The Togakureha is split into six general areas, 'secret fighting methods' (nintaijutsu 忍体術), 'trowel methods' (kunaijutsu 苦無術), 'climbing claw methods' (shukojutsu 手虎術), 'ring chain dagger ' (kyoketsushogejutsu 距跋渉毛術), 'blinding powder methods' (metsubushijutsu 目潰術), and 'hand blade methods' (itakenjutsu 板剣術). Nintaijutsu is striking and capturing methods focused on attacking from hidden positions or defending against hidden attacks. Kunaijutsu are methods utilising a special trowel used as an improvised weapon and general multitool. Shukojutsu focus on the use of the hand and foot climbing claws that could also be used as an improvised weapon. Kyoketsushogejutsu explores the use of the ring and dagger linked by a chain, used for climbing or as an improvised weapon. Metsubushijutsu includes techniques and methods designed to blind an opponent and disable them. Itakenjutsu are methods of using a hidden hand blade from close range or a distance to misdirect an opponent.

Togakureha modules are split into three levels; beginner level (shoden 初伝), intermediate level (chuuden 中伝) and advanced level (jouden 上伝). Shoden modules are designed for solo practice. Chuuden modules involve paired drills and techniques. Jouden modules are advanced drills and concepts for paired practice. The purpose of these modules is to prepare students for the practice of the nine schools of the Bujinkan.

Togakureha Katei (Hidden Door Curriculum) 

Nintaijutsu (忍体術)

  • Nintaijutsu Shoden (忍体術初伝)

  • Nintaijutsu Chuuden (忍体術中伝)

  • Nintaijutsu Jouden (忍体術上伝)

Kunaijutsu (苦無術)

  • Kunaijutsu Shoden (苦無術初伝)

  • Kunaijutsu Chuuden (苦無術中伝)

  • Kunaijutsu Jouden (苦無術上伝)

Shukojutsu (手虎術)

  • Shukojutsu Shoden (手虎術初伝)

  • Shukojutsu Chuuden (手虎術中伝)

  • Shukojutsu Jouden (手虎術上伝)

Kyoketsushogejutsu (距跋渉毛術)

  • Kyoketsushogejutsu Shoden (距跋渉毛術初伝)

  • Kyoketsushogejutsu Chuuden (距跋渉毛術中伝)

  • Kyoketsushogejutsu Jouden (距跋渉毛術上伝)

Metsubushijutsu (目潰術)

  • Metsubushijutsu Shoden (目潰術初伝)

  • Metsubushijutsu Chuuden (目潰術中伝)

  • Metsubushijutsu Jouden (目潰術上伝)

Itakenjutsu (板剣術)

  • Itakenjutsu Shoden (板剣術初伝)

  • Itakenjutsu Chuuden (板剣術中伝)

  • Itakenjutsu Jouden (板剣術上伝)

Nintaijutsu Shoden

Nintaijutsu (忍体術) is a secret form of armed and unarmed combat which focuses on evading and misdirecting the opponent in order to escape. Nintaijutsu shoden is a foundational module that teaches the basic principles and concepts of secret fighting methods.

The fundamentals of nintaijutsu are split into three levels; shoden, chuuden and jouden or beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Nintaijutsu shoden is made up of 18 forms split into three categories, postures [kamae] (構), vital points [kyuusho] (急所), and evasion [kaihi] (回避). These three areas are called Nintai Roppou Kamae, Nintai Roppou Kyuusho and Nintai Roppou Kaihi respectively.

These forms are designed to reinforce muscle memory and practice good martial habits.

Nintaijutsu Shoden Kamae - 忍耐術初伝構

Kamae (構) are postures or biomechanical structures of the body for specific use in both unarmed and armed combat. The kamae practiced in Nintaijutsu are derived from the Hidden Door School (Togakure Ryu).

[一] Ichi no Kamae - 一の構 (Number One Posture): The lead hand is in Kitenken pointing at the opponent's eyes, while the lead foot is forward pointing at the opponent. The rear hand is in Kitenken resting on the shoulder of the lead arm, while the rear leg is at a right angle to the opponent. This posture is very deep with legs greater than hip width apart.

[二] Tonsou no Kamae - 遁走の構 (Escape Posture): The lead hand is in Kitenken pointing at the opponent's eyes, while the lead foot is forward pointing at the opponent. The rear hand is clenched resting inside the clothes or on top hidden from view, while the rear leg is at a right angle to the opponent. This posture is very deep with legs greater than hip width apart.

[三] Hachimonji no Kamae - 八文字の構 (Figure Eight Posture): The lead hand is in Kitenken pointing at the opponent's eyes, while the lead foot is forward pointing at the opponent. The rear hand is in Kitenken with the arm raised straight up, while the rear leg is at a right angle to the opponent. This posture is very deep with legs greater than hip width apart.

[四] Hichou no Kamae - 飛鳥の構 (Flying Bird Posture): The lead hand is in Kitenken pointing at the opponent's eyes, while the lead foot is resting on the knee of the base leg. The rear hand is in Kitenken resting on the shoulder, while the rear leg is at a right angle to the opponent. The base leg is lowered as far as possible.

[五] Happou Gakure no Kamae - 八方隠の構 (Eight Ways Concealing Posture): The lead hand is clenched and slightly offset from the rear hand. The lead foot is facing forward and slightly offset from the rear foot. The posture is facing forward and as deep as possible.

[六] Hira Ichimonji no Kamae - 平一文字の構 (Level Straight Line Posture): The body is facing the opponent and both arms are stretched out in a straight line. Both hands are in Kitenken. The posture is very deep.

Nintaijutsu kamae serve as the core foundation of the Hidden Door School's movement and techniques. Each posture has a specific purpose and requires a decent amount of strength and flexibility to achieve. Practicing these postures in isolation can improve stability and balance, and contribute to the future study of higher level Nintaijutsu techniques.

Nintaijutsu Shoden Kyuusho - 忍体術初伝急所

Kyuusho (急所) refer to six basic pressure point areas, which can be attacked unarmed or armed to incapacitate the opponent long enough to escape. In Togakure Ryuu, attacks are aligned to the outside or back of the opponent and avoid the front or inside of the opponent. These techniques are also designed for low-light conditions.

[一] Chidame - 血ダメ (Nape): This waza begins from ichi no kamae. Shift back, then shift forward striking with Kitenken to the nape of the neck (Chidame) from the outside (back) of the the opponent.

[二] Hoshi - 星 (Armpit): This waza begins from ichi no kamae. Shift back, then shift forward striking with Kitenken to the nape of the neck (Chidame) from the outside (back) of the the opponent.

[三] Kimon - 鬼門 (Abdomen): This waza begins from tonsou no kamae. Shift back, then shift forward while drawing the fist out then strike with a clenched fist or weapon from the outside (back) of the the opponent into the ura kimon.

[四] Sai - (Inner Thigh): This waza begins from ichi no kamae. Shift back and transition into hichou no kamae, then shift forward kick with the flat of the foot to the inner rear thigh of the opponent.

[五] Kaku - 搉 (Back of the Knee): This waza begins from ichi no kamae. Drop down to hanza no kamae (single kneeling posture) and strike to the back of the knee, while rolling away with ura kaiten (reverse side roll).

[六] Yaku - 扼 (Back of the Lower Leg): This waza begins from ichi no kamae. Drop down to hanza no kamae (single kneeling posture) and strike to the back of the lower leg, while rolling away with ura kaiten (reverse side roll).

Nintaijutsu Kyuusho show the general positions of possible weak points when engaging with armored or unarmored opponents. The purpose of Nintaijutsu is to incapacitate the opponent quickly, then escape. Kyuusho allow both armed and unarmed strikes to knock out, knock down or lame an opponent so they cannot give chase. These techniques are best utilised in ambush, from a position of surprise or in low visibility.

Nintaijutsu Shoden Kaihi - 体走術初伝回避

Kaihi (回避) are basic evasion and misdirection techniques to confuse and confound an opponent allowing escape.

[一] Otoshi - 落 (Drop): From ichi no kamae, drop straight down onto one knee into hanza no kamae.

[二] Metsubushi Otoshi - 目潰し落 (Vision Taking Drop): From ichi no kamae, drop straight down onto one knee into hanza no kamae. Drop the rear hand to the ground and pick up anything to throw into opponent's face.

[三] Tenchi Tobi - 天地飛 (Heaven Jump): From ichi no kamae, lower down then launch up in the air while maintaining posture and raising the legs.

[四] Ura Zenpou Kaiten - 裏前方回転 (Opposite Forward Roll): From ichi no kamae, drop straight down onto one knee into hanza no kamae with the lead leg. Lower the knee down and stretch the rear arm across the knee, then roll, coming back up to hanza on the opposite side.

[五] Ura Yoko Kaiten - 裏横回転 (Opposite Sideward Roll): From ichi no kamae, drop straight down onto one knee into hanza no kamae with the lead leg. Bring the rear arm across the lead leg (raised knee) and roll, ending up facing the opposite direction.

[六] Ura Ushiro Kaiten - 裏後回転 (Opposite Backward Roll): From ichi no kamae, drop straight down onto one knee into hanza no kamae with the lead leg. Drop back throwing the lead leg over the opposite shoulder, ending up facing the opposite direction.

Kaihi enable the kata (forms) and waza (techniques) of Nintaijutsu and the Hidden Door School. These techniques provide mobility, evasion and misdirection required for the practice of ninjutsu in combat.

Review and Conclusion

Nintaijutsu is a unique martial system with techniques tailored for a specific purpose. The purview of Ninjutsu is intelligence, espionage and sabotage. All these activities actively try to avoid close combat. Nintaijutsu is not an effective close combat system, but it is an effective evasion and escape system. When practicing these techniques and methods, keep in mind the purpose of the techniques and remember that they do not suit all situations. Nintaijutsu is just a tool in your toolbox for very specific situations.

Foundational skills of secret fighting methods for solo practice (Nintaijutsu - Secret Fighting)

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What you will learn
  • Understand basic postures
  • Execute basic secret strikes
  • Perform basic evasion and misdirection

Rating: 4.7

Level: Beginner Level

Duration: 1 hour

Instructor: Richard Roth

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